Wednesday, 19 October 2011

First rotoscoping session

I only recently found my USB which i put my first session of rotoscoping on. I though i better upload it to show I was at that particular lesson and paying attention.
At the time of doing this session i was reminded of probably one of my Favorited rotoscoped animation, not Disney film, not loony tunes but embarrassingly one of my favorite music videos which is "take one me" by Aha, when younger i really couldn't figure out how they managed to make such a well presented video, i knew they had drawn if but it never occurred to me that they drew over a person. 
Now i know how it was done, and having done it myself it makes me appreciate the time and effort that must have gone into the video a whole lot more. I cannot even begin to imagine how much time it must have taken to draw over every frame with such quality especially at a time where it was more than likely traditionally done. Now you could probably play with some effects on a video and edit it in such a way to make it seem like you've hand drawn each frame. Ever since i was younger i have always had a large amount of respect for people who do things like this. I have always preferred hand drawn animation such as loony tunes and Disney (classic Disney) to today norm of computers. Hand drawn animation always seems to flow better and have more movement whether it be over exaggerated or not.
This may not be rotoscoped but i still stand by my point that hand drawn animation looks far better than the stiff movement you see in some of the more recent cartoons.

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