Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Jusy another tiny Rotoscoping test

I had to do another rotoscope test as i have never done a rotoscope of someone walking around, it is incredibly effective and i can defiantly see rotoscoped people being put into my gallery idea, looking at paintings, walking around ect. I also came up with 2 new ideas while doing the roto, people will still be rotoscoped but when they walk past certain pieces of art, you will see some sort of change through their bodies.
This first idea starts off looking at a painting, then slowly zooms out revealing that the people observing it are in fact themselves art. Someone walks in front of the camera and it pans round their head to show a landscape blank canvas on a wall, when people walk past the canvas its reveals through their bodies the ARTS logo.

 This idea however is now my favorite, much more interesting than all my other ideas in my opinion. The scene will start off showing an art gallery, only there is no art in it, that's when the camera will pan to a person or a group of people covering a painting, the people are rotoscoped like white silhouettes and through them reveal that there actually is art in the art gallery suggesting art is in the eye of the beholder. I think I've finally found an idea i am truly happy with, now i just have to think of how im going to pull it off effectively. 

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